Daylight Saving Time returns this weekend. FINALLY! I missed it. A LOT! When it left us last November I was bummed. Lost at sea. In the dark. Sadness ensued, I must admit. I went thru a slight “depression”, and I am NOT referencing a tropical weather pattern that might lead to a hurricane. I mean a MOOD disorder. A funk. Doldrums city. My condition is known as S.A.D…Seasonal Affective Disorder. When it gets darker sooner, so do I.
Sunlight is a GOOD thing! Studies show wonderful health benefits for those who spend time in it. Don’t need to be a sunbather or sun worshipper. Give it 30 minutes a day, you’ll get reduced cholesterol & lower blood pressure, as well as a healthy dose of vitamin D! It builds the immune system and kills bad bacteria. Healthier skin a byproduct. Sunlight can even fight cancer!
I HATE when the sun goes to bed early. It means lights out, party’s over. Another day gone, and they go by TOO fast as it is! Driving to work in the dark, then driving home in the dark, reminds me of Seattle, sans the umbrellas, sans the coffee roasters on every corner.
You feel like you actually have a life when you’re wearing your Wayfarers, Oakley’s or Maui Jim’s at 7-8 p.m. because of the ball of light high in the sky, not the highballs lit in your system. Opportunities still exist. PJ’s far from being donned. No need for a flashlight or headlights. You can play catch with your child, finish the back nine or mow the lawn.
Daylight Saving Time began in the early 1900’s as a way of saving energy. Shifting 1 hour of available light from the early a.m., when most of us were asleep, would reduce the demand for lighting up our homes in the evening. The spare power was supposed to help in the war effort. That was the rationale, anyway. Farmers, and parents of kids walking to school in the dark, were NOT keen on DST. Golf courses & after school sports programs flourished. I, personally, LOVE it, so that should be reason enough to make DST a year-round reality! Stick with springing ahead. NO more FALLING back. You can KEEP your extra hour of sleep. I just stay up an hour longer anyway!
So welcome back, DST! Come take center stage. You are the focal point of this weekend’s parties. Your coming heralds UNLIMITED BBQ and INNUMERABLE baseball games. Your arrival means SUMMER is not that far behind. Your grand entrance chases away my seasonal blues so I can CHEER the ‘Boys in Blue’ all season. It will be good to see you, D. It warms my heart knowing you’re on the doorstep. The rest of me will soon warm as well. You’re the hot topic at the water cooler and lunch tables. You will be received with great fan-fare. And A/C!
Once everyone’s clocks, watches and electronic devices change over, life will be better! Winter coats put away, sunscreen brought out. It will be Happy Meals and Glee re-runs! Elation nation! So sit back and kick off your shoes. Make yourself at home, old friend. Stick around for awhile.…or better yet, STAY ALL YEAR!